Not bad Mr. O’Toole, not bad at all. In case you were wondering who’s the lucky guy, that’s Samuel O’Toole getting the sloppy blowjob. Why not change the perspective if you can and the guy down there couldn’t care less. So after a really long wait, we have Samuel in charge of the camera. In this one, we are going to see what goes down from his point of view and it’s not a bad perspective at all. The blond guy was a common friend that came over to ask for some cash and while he was there Samuel thought to test out his new camera. He already knew that this guy is as dirty as you can get so he was perfect for the job.
He obeyed Samuel’s desires and once the camera started rolling the hot guy spent quite some time on his knees trying to please Mr. O’Toole. This camera thing was actually a really good idea because this way we get to see all nasty things that happen for Samuel’s perspective and it’s a damn nice view. And besides this way things are a lot more personal. After the guy finished with his dick it was time for Samuel to do his thing and he nailed it as usual. You just can’t go wrong with him and see him fuck this dude’s ass is another proof of that. See the entire footage from SamuelOToole point of view below. Enjoy it!
Click here and see this guy sucking off Samuel’s dick!